Sandra's Tribute Fund
Created by Claire 16 years ago
Welcome to Sandras Tribute Fund. I have created this page in the Loving Memory of my dear Mother Sandra Brandon to help raise money for Motor Neurone Disease Association. Please consider making an online donation or if you prefer you can help me raise money for this Tribute Fund by creating an online sponsorship page to mark a special event or occasion.
All money raised on these pages will be earmarked as being donations made via this Tribute Fund when they reach Motor Neurone Disease Association.
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If you like, you can also sign the guest book and share your memories of Sandra, also tell other people about this service.
Sandra was born on the 22nd February 1947 in Kent, eldest daughter to William and Dorothy Baguley,and loving sister to Valerie. When the girls were teenagers they moved to Doncaster via Coventry, where Sandra met my Father Graham when she was just 16. Mum and Dad had over 40 happy years together, and loved each other dearly. They had 2 daughters me and my sister Karen.
Sandras priorities in life been her family and friends. Sandra was a best friend, a shoulder to cry on, a bundle of fun, a rock, dependable, reliable and honest person to all that knew her. Sandra gave her life to her family, friends and work, she loved knitting, needlework, reading and cooking. We have 3 fabulous tappestries that Sandra did also we have cinderalla dolls that she made too, Sandra made all of our party frocks when Karen and I were children and knitted herself lots of jumpers and baby clothes.
Amongst Sandra's working career she was employed by Littlewoods for many years and worked in the food hall and on the cig counter, she was a well known member of staff to regular customers and claimed to have once served the actor Sean Connery when he visited the Doncaster store to purchase a bottle of wine, she also worked at Cromps on Wheatley Hall Road as a teenager with her sister Valerie, Glass bulbs too before her many years at the retail store Littlewoods. Sandra also worked in a bakery in Hyde Park (Emfield Bakery) for a short while, her Friend Karen's fancy dress shop, altering and repairing clothes and her last job was as a carer/kitchen assistant for the local council in a day centre for tne elderly and those in need. She was a loved member of staff by both work colleagues and clients, bringing many smiles and much laughter to their days. Sandra was working there when she became unwell.
Sandra was a loving Wife and kind Mother and we all miss her terribly, however we have lots of fond and happy memories that will always be with us.
Sandra was diagnosed in the August of 2001, she had a weak leg and slurred speach, we thought she may have had a stroke so she went for tests and it was a nightmare for us all when she was diagnosed. We went on holiday to Spain days after the bad news and made sure Sandra had a good time, with many evenings out eating fine food in fancy restaurants and long relaxing days in the sun, Sandra getting through a couple of books. When we got home she never went to the local shops again on her own and slowly got weaker and weaker.
Sandra spent at least 18 months house bound and unable to talk, walk or eat. I read to Mum for hours and we both read the Paul Burrell book on Princess Diana, and upto book 5 of The Chronicles of Narnia, unfortunatley we never finished them. During Sandra's illness we spent most of the day watching the TV with her as there was very little else she could do, luckily Sandra was a TV addict though and loved to watch the old 'upstairs, downstairs' or UKGold and others such as 'Only Fools & Horses', 'Darling Buds of May', 'Lovejoy' and many more, we also watched alot of DVD's with Mum including many operas such as Aida and Madam Butterfly. Sandra's favourite though was deffinately Star Wars, she must have watched them at least 10 times over bless her. Sandra used to fall to sleep with headphones on, tuned in to Classic FM or one of her many CD collection, she would have loved an ipod but sadly she wasnt around to see one.
We looked after Sandra on our own and due to our love and care, paticularly my Father's 24 hr care, I,m sure Sandra lasted as long as she did. Sandra's friends such as Sue, Cynthia, Joyce and Murial used to visit regulary and bring flowers and gossip for Mum, and family too of course her sister Valerie and dad's sister Norma been regular visitors. Sue bought lots of audio books for Sandra too which was a great thought. Sandra was extremely brave and courageous throughout her illness, always positive of a cure and always smiling. The pic is from Christmas 2001, Sandras favourite time of year. Sandra sadly passed away on November the 11th 2004, Armistace Day. Sandra always had a poppy and would walk in all weathers to buy one, now we have 2 mins silence each year to think of Sandra.
Kind Regards,